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Coding Style

Guidelines for contributing to Earthstar#

Read which has more details than this shortened guide. also discusses Purpose, Values, Code of Conduct, etc.

Code style for the core Earthstar library#

Note that we have Prettier set up but we don't really use it; we should remove it.

Indentation and line length.#

Indent with 4 spaces, just because.

Long lines are ok; don't contort yourself to achieve short lines.

It's ok to pack short if-statements into a single line, like:

if (x === 0) { return; }

Prefer null to undefined#

undefined can't be JSON-serialized, and it's more likely to occur accidentally (e.g. because of a failed lookup).

In rare cases where you're mimicking an existing JS API such as Map, you can use undefined to indicate something was not found.

Prefer to return exceptions instead of throwing them.#

This makes Typescript aware of the exceptions that might come out of a function, forcing you to deal with them.

Try to use the custom Earthstar error classes defined in /src/util/types.ts.

You can use the utility functions isErr() and notErr() to test if something is an instance or subclass of EarthstarError. They're defined in the same file as the errors, above.

Prefer multi-line imports#

If there are 2 or more items imported from a file, put them each on their own line in alphabetical order.

If there's only one item, it can follow the above pattern or it can be condensed into a single line.

import {
AuthorAddress, // in alphabetical order
} from '../util/types';
import { sign } from '../crypto/crypto';